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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2008 Mganga Wa Tanga

Mimba ingali Mimba na Hadithi Nyingine. 2nd Edition,(McOnyango O.,Eds), Focus Publisher.Nairobi, (Focus Publishers Ltd).

2008 Mganga Wa Tanga

Mimba ingali Mimba na Hadithi Nyingine. 2nd Edition,(McOnyango O.,Eds), Focus Publisher.Nairobi, pp 157-172, (Focus Publishers Ltd).

2008 Establishing Credibility in Cooperate Website: A Linguistic Approach.

Text, Langauge and Literature:Empirical and Perspective from Kenya.(Ogone, J.O.;Orwenjo,D.O.,Eds). Saarbrucken, VDM Verlag, pp 134-150.

Matu, P.M.; Khadohi,B.I.
2008 Transitivity as a tool for Ideological Analysis.

Journal of Third World Studies,XXV(1), 199-211(The Assocaition ofThird World Studies,Americus,Georgia).

Matu, P.M.
2008 Between Dusk and Dawn:Groping Roots of Political Consciousness in Alex La Guma's "A Walk in the Night."

Text, Langauge and Literature:Empirical and Perspective from Kenya.(Ogone, J.O.;Orwenjo,D.O.,Eds).VDM Verlag, pp 886-108.

2008 Is English a threat to indigenous Kiswahili dialects?

Text, Langauge and Literature:Empirical and Perspective from Kenya.(Ogone, J.O.;Orwenjo,D.O.,Eds).VDM Verlag, pp236-625.

Karanja, P.N
2008 The Pragmatics of Political discourse.

Text Language and Literature:Empirical and Theoritical Perspective in Kenya(Ogone,J.O.; Orwenjo,D.O.Eds),VDM Verlag, pp 266-275.

2009 Mabaliko katika umbo la ushairi na athari zake katika ushairi wa Kiswahili.

Swahili Forum Journal,15, 73-94(ISSN:16142373,Swahili-Forum )

2009 The semantics of peace and the role of the print media in the 2007-2008 post-election violence in Kenya.

African Media Review Journal,27(2).(Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa(CODESRIA))

2009 Patients claiming their rights: an analysis of utterances from a Kenyan hospital.

Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Journal,27(4), 453-469 (Linguist Society of Southern African)

Ojwang, B.O