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Policies and Guidelines


The overall goal of these guidelines is to provide a standardized, simplified and practical reference guide for implementing career guidance in Kenya.

The objectives of the guidelines are to:
a). Provide a guide for implementing career education, career counselling and career information.
b). Provide a guide for employer engagement in relation to job search clubs, job and career fairs, and work based learning.
c). Provide a standard approach for the establishment and operationalization of Office of Career Services.
d). Outline the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in relation to career guidance.
e). Provide uniformity in monitoring and evaluating career guidance.

Read the Guide

This National Policy Framework for Career Guidance is organized in five chapters. The first chapter provides the policy overview and context. The second chapter consists of the situational analysis of career guidance. Chapter three presents the policy statements and options. The fourth chapter provides the institutional and implementation framework, and chapter five deals with the monitoring and evaluation framework of the policy. The appendix provides a list of definition of key terms used in the policy.

The formulation of the policy was based on the following factors: achievement of national and international commitments; weak provision of career guidance; lack of a distinct career counselling professional service; changes in the national education and training system; rapid changes in the labour market system; and the difficult school-to-work transition. The goal of this policy is to promote lifelong learning, sustained employability and social equity by enhancing access, equity, quality and relevance in the provision of career guidance in Kenya.
The objectives of the policy are to:
a) Strengthen the governance and management of career guidance;

Read More on the Policy


The National Policy on linking Industry to Education, Training and Research is organized in five chapters. The first chapter provides the policy overview and context. The second chapter consists of the situational analysis. Chapter three presents the policy statements and options. The fourth chapter presents the institutional and implementation framework, and chapter five deals with the monitoring and evaluation framework of the policy.

The goal of the policy is to promote and strengthen the linkages between industry and education, training and research towards developing a knowledge-based and globally competitive economy.

The objectives of the policy framework are to:
a). Facilitate the implementation of national, regional and international commitments that promote linkages between industry and education, training and research;
b). Strengthen the management, governance and institutional framework for linking industry to education, training and research;

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The National Skills Development Policy is organized in five chapters. The first chapter provides the policy overview and context. The second chapter consists of the situational analysis of skills development. Chapter three presents the policy statements and options. The fourth chapter provides an overview of the implementation framework, and chapter five deals with the monitoring and evaluation framework of the policy. The appendix provides a list of definition of key terms used in the policy.

The goal of the National Skills Development Policy is to promote sustainable socio economic development through the development of a skilled workforce that is employable, productive, enterprising, innovative, adaptable and competitive.

The objectives of the policy are to:
a). Strengthen the governance and management of skills development;
b). Ensure access to equitable and quality education and training that is aligned to labour market needs;

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The National Strategy on Skills Development for Labour Mobility is organized in five chapters. The first chapter provides the overview and context of the strategy. The second chapter consists of the situational analysis of the strategy. Chapter three presents the strategic goals, objectives and interventions for linking skills development to the global labour market. The fourth chapter contains the implementation framework of the strategy, and chapter five presents the monitoring and evaluation framework of the strategy.

The strategy seeks to strengthen the linkage between skills development and the global labour market in order to optimize safe, orderly and regular labour mobility. To achieve this overall goal, the following strategic goals and objectives were developed.

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